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Parliamentary majority wants to accommodate naturalization of pardon permit holders

This week, two Dutch political parties (SP and CDA) intend to file a motion to pave the way for about 10.000 pardon permit holders to obtain Dutch citizenship. A majority of the parliament is in favor of this initiative.

The pardon permit holders, who were granted residence permits by a general amnesty in 2007, couldn’t obtain Dutch nationality because they can’t provide the identity documents required for the application, like a birth certificate. 

Dutch radio show Eén Vandaag spoke with Yosef Tekeste-Yamane about it.

Late 2019, Everaert Advocaten started a project to get this issue on the political agenda:

Naturalization without documents

Also read our previous article:

Dutch naturalization impossible without documents

Voting on the motion will be on Tuesday 9 February 2021. We will report on the outcome.

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