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Pardon permit holders to get Dutch passport at last

On July 7th 2021, it was announced that the 10.000 ‘pardon’ permit holders and their children will be exempted from the document requirement and will finally be able to obtain Dutch citizenship. This is fantastic news for all the participants in our project ‘Naturalization without documents’ that Everaert Advocaten started in 2019.

A parliamentary majority already voted in favor of the exemption in February of this year. It took repeated parliamentary questions, a report from the Dutch Scientific Research and Documentation Centre and a lot of media attention to convince the state secretary.

If you are a holder of a pardon residence permit (Ranov permit) and you have questions, please contact us.

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Our previous articles on this subject:

Appeal to State Secretary published in national newspaper 28 June 2021

Policy change announced regarding naturalization of RANOV permit holders 28 April 2021

Further investigation into naturalization of RANOV permit holders 16 March 2021

Vera Kidjan on NOS Radio 1 News about ‘pardon’ permit holders 8 March 2021

Dutch parliament supports motion to allow naturalization for RANOV permit holders 13 February 2021

Parliamentary majority wants to accommodate naturalization of pardon permit holders 2 February 2021

Dutch naturalization impossible without documents 21 January 2021

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