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Call for former Dutch citizens

Have you lost your Dutch nationality because you have dual citizenship and lived outside of the Netherlands and the EU for more than ten uninterrupted years without a Dutch passport? You might be able to regain your Dutch nationality. On 12 February 2020, the Council of State issued a ruling on the automatic loss of […]

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Regaining Dutch citizenship in case of disproportionate consequences of loss

On February 12th the Administrative Jurisdiction Division of the Council of State issued their ruling in 6 cases of persons who lost their Dutch citizenship automatically, because they held dual citizenship, resided outside the Netherlands or the EU for more than ten years, and did not renew their passport during that time. The Council of State […]

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Naturalization without documents

Read the 7 July 2021 update: Pardon permit holders to get Dutch passport at last  Everaert Advocaten is starting a procedure for naturalization without documents. We invite you to take part in this procedure if you have a ‘pardon’ (Ranov) residence permit and want to apply for Dutch citizenship but are unable to provide the required identity papers such as […]

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Naturalization, not with a Chavez-Vilchez residence permit?

Today, 4 April 2019, the Dutch Government Gazette published an amendment on the Handbook for the Dutch Citizenship Act 2003. See our update on this issue here. The section of the text that stands out most, concerns the impossibility to acquire Dutch citizenship for parents of Dutch children, who derive their right of residence from Article 20 of the […]

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Income requirement presents obstacle for Dutch expats

For Dutch expats who wish to return to the Netherlands with family members requiring an entry clearance visa (MVV), the income requirement proves to be an obstacle. Just like other migrants, the returning Dutch expat must provide evidence of sufficient and long-term financial means to provide for him/herself and his/her family members. Among other things, […]

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New income check for family reunification

The Council of State has announced a different method to assess whether the income of someone who is applying for family reunification is sufficient. The situation of flex workers is now taken into account as well. When applying for a residence permit for family members abroad, the sponsor (usually the partner or parent in the […]

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