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Pardon permit holders to get Dutch passport at last

On July 7th 2021, it was announced that the 10.000 ‘pardon’ permit holders and their children will be exempted from the document requirement and will finally be able to obtain Dutch citizenship. This is fantastic news for all the participants in our project ‘Naturalization without documents’ that Everaert Advocaten started in 2019. A parliamentary majority already voted in […]

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Appeal to State Secretary published in national newspaper

“Take steps to make permit holders no longer second rate citizens.” An open letter from Elles Besselsen to State Secretary Broekers-Knol was published last Saturday, June 26th, in Het Parool. Elles describes how a large group of permit holders from the 2007 general pardon and their children, are still unable to obtain Dutch passports. Her appeal calls for a return to the policy that was in […]

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Policy change announced regarding naturalization of RANOV permit holders

On April 20th, a majority of the Dutch Parliament once again voted in favor of a motion to exempt RANOV permit holders from the requirement to provide a passport and birth certificate when filing a naturalization request. The government was asked to implement this motion without waiting for the research of the Research and Documentation Center (WODC). […]

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Further investigation into naturalization of RANOV permit holders

After a majority of the Parliament voted in favor of the motion on February 9, 2021 to exempt RANOV permit holders from the requirement to provide a passport and a birth certificate when filing a naturalization application, State Secretary Broekers-Knol stands by her policy. Broekers-Knol has informed the Parliament that she considers it necessary to further investigate […]

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Dutch parliament supports motion to allow naturalization for RANOV permit holders

A majority of the Dutch Parliament voted on Tuesday 9 February in favour of the motion to exempt RANOV permit holders from the requirement to provide a passport and a birth certificate when filing a naturalization application. The Parliament hereby calls on the government to change the current policy. Under the current policy, this group of permit […]

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Vera Kidjan on NOS Radio 1 News about ‘pardon’ permit holders

Vera Kidjan represents about 500 persons who received a ‘pardon’ permit in the past, but 13 years later still cannot obtain Dutch citizenship. In total, about 10.000 people are in this same situation.  On 6 March 2021 Vera was asked to explain the problem on the radio show NOS Radio 1 Journaal. Read the article or listen to the broadcast here. (in Dutch) More […]

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Dutch naturalization impossible without documents

The topic of this headline received renewed attention from the public and politicians in recent weeks, since Ethiopian born, but Dutch raised, Yosef Tekeste-Yamane made his appearance in the media.  For instance, Dutch newspaper Trouw published an article on January 8, 2021, followed by a television broadcast on talkshow Op1 of January 11, 2021. This media attention has led to parliamentary questions being raised; a […]

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Can permanent residency or naturalization be acquired with a Chavez permit?

Currently, holders of a Chavez permit do not qualify for permanent residence or Dutch citizenship. Such applications are rejected by default. Several regional courts and the Administrative Division of the Council of State, highest administrative court in the Netherlands, ruled that these rejections were lawful due to the temporary nature of the right of residence based on […]

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Important news for orientation year permit holders

To be eligible for a residence permit as a highly skilled migrant, your employer will have to comply with the salary criteria. Until now, recent graduates would be eligible for the lowest salary threshold, provided an application is lodged before the end date of the ‘orientation year permit’. If not, the regular salary criteria would apply. […]

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