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Double surnames allowed per 1 January 2024

This week the Dutch government passed a new law that states that, from January 1, 2024, children born in the Netherlands will be able to be registered with the surnames of both their parents.  Previously this was possible under certain conditions, especially in respect of children with another EU nationality. During a period of transition, children born on or after […]

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Immediately naturalize after changing personal information

Good news for everyone who wishes to naturalize, but first need to have their personal information adjusted in the Population Register at the municipality or those we recently had their information adjusted. Until recently, you had to wait five years after changing your personal information before you could submit a request for naturalization. Based on […]

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International Women’s Day 2023

Today is International Women’s Day. To celebrate, Everaert Immigration Lawyers would like to reflect on the position of women with dependent residency rights. An important study on this topic was recently published by the Free University Amsterdam (VU). Most marriage migrants are women. Because they depend on their partner for their right of residence, their […]

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Perspective on permanent residence for ‘Chavez parents’

On September 7, 2022, the Court of Justice of the European Union (ECJ) answered some important preliminary questions regarding the Chavez residence document for non-European parents of minor Dutch children. What preceded this?In the Chavez Vilchez case (2017), the ECJ ruled that it is a violation of European law if a Dutch minor child is […]

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In Memoriam: Gertjan van Andel

It is with intense sadness that we announce the passing of Gertjan van Andel, former colleague and partner of our firm, on July 10, 2022.  Gertjan was born in 1943 in Oosterbeek. After his military service in the Royal Dutch Navy, he studied Law at the VU and subsequently worked for the Legal Aid Center […]

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Work permit exemption for Ukrainians

On 30 March 2022, the Dutch State Secretary of Justice and Security informed the House of Representatives in a Parliamentary Letter about the implementation of the Temporary Protection Directive. In this Parliamentary Letter, the State Secretary discusses the conditions and procedure for legal residence and access to the labor market for people who have fled […]

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Temporary protection and other options to obtain legal residence in the Netherlands for Ukrainians

The Dutch government is working on introducing measures to provide temporary protection to persons fleeing Ukraine. While the exact details and conditions still need to be announced, there have been several measures already announced with regards to stay, work authorization and residence permit applications. Read more in our update: Work permit exemption for Ukrainians Stay in […]

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Regulation for Asian catering industry ends 1 January 2022

The Minister of Social Affairs and Employment has decided to terminate the special regulation for employing non-EU chefs in Asian restaurants (paragraph 19a Ruwav 2014).  The regulation was created to help ease a structural shortage of qualified chefs in the Asian catering industry. It offers a more flexible treatment of applications for a work permit or […]

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Pardon permit holders to get Dutch passport at last

On July 7th 2021, it was announced that the 10.000 ‘pardon’ permit holders and their children will be exempted from the document requirement and will finally be able to obtain Dutch citizenship. This is fantastic news for all the participants in our project ‘Naturalization without documents’ that Everaert Advocaten started in 2019. A parliamentary majority already voted in […]

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Appeal to State Secretary published in national newspaper

“Take steps to make permit holders no longer second rate citizens.” An open letter from Elles Besselsen to State Secretary Broekers-Knol was published last Saturday, June 26th, in Het Parool. Elles describes how a large group of permit holders from the 2007 general pardon and their children, are still unable to obtain Dutch passports. Her appeal calls for a return to the policy that was in […]

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