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Further investigation into naturalization of RANOV permit holders

After a majority of the Parliament voted in favor of the motion on February 9, 2021 to exempt RANOV permit holders from the requirement to provide a passport and a birth certificate when filing a naturalization application, State Secretary Broekers-Knol stands by her policy.

Broekers-Knol has informed the Parliament that she considers it necessary to further investigate the issues that RANOV permit holders encounter when applying for Dutch citizenship. She commissioned a report by the WODC (Research and Documentation Centre), the knowledge center of the Dutch Ministry of Justice and Security. 

This decision to have further research conducted has led to more parliamentary questions. The results of this new research will most likely be similar to previous research, which has already been conducted in the past few years. It is however in the interest of RANOV permit holders that the current policy will be changed as soon as possible.

Everaert Advocaten Immigration Lawyers will continue the project ‘naturalization without papers’ in order to urge the Dutch authorities to amend the current policy as soon as possible.

Please find more information about our project here.

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