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Lawyers for Lawyers: “A call for concern on human rights defenders”

On Tuesday May 9th, 2023, followed by the introduction by Irma van den Berg from SIX Advocaten, also chairman of Lawyers for Lawyers, Claudia González Orellana from Guatemala, and Salah Hammouri from Jerusalem received a warm welcome from the office of Everaert Advocaten. Both later delivered us an unforgettable and inspiring speech. Claudia González Orellana is granted the […]

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Interview Hermie de Voer on the Netherlands Nationality Act

On May 28th 2023, as part of the Electoral College festival, Eelco Keij (SNBN) conducted an interview with one of our partners, Hermie de Voer. In the interview, Hermie shed light on the Netherlands Nationality Act (Rijkswet op het Nederlanderschap), with special attention to double nationality. The interview (in Dutch) can be viewed here:

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Internet consultation on the bill to ‘modernise’ the Netherlands Nationality Act [Rijkswet op het Nederlanderschap]

On 13 March 2023 a consultation was started regarding the bill to amend the Netherlands Nationality Act (RWN). The consultation is ending on 15 May 2023. Anyone may and can respond to the bill until that date. The bill introduces an option procedure for former Dutch nationals who had dual nationality but lost their Dutch citizenship after 1 April […]

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In memoriam: Carl Everaert

To our great sadness, Carl Everaert passed away on 12 April 2023. Carl was the co-founder and namesake of our firm. Carl was born in Surabaya on 27 June 1946 and moved to Voorburg with his parents and brothers at the age of 12. He studied law in Utrecht and, after his military service – […]

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Webinar for foreign art students 2023

DATE: Monday, May 15, 2023TIME: 4.30 pmREGISTRATION: Our annual free lecture for international art students who want to stay in the Netherlands after graduation, will take place as a webinar again this year. The webinar will address the following: Lotte van Diepen will answer these questions and any other immigration related queries you may have. To […]

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Double surnames allowed per 1 January 2024

This week the Dutch government passed a new law that states that, from January 1, 2024, children born in the Netherlands will be able to be registered with the surnames of both their parents.  Previously this was possible under certain conditions, especially in respect of children with another EU nationality. During a period of transition, children born on or after […]

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Immediately naturalize after changing personal information

Good news for everyone who wishes to naturalize, but first need to have their personal information adjusted in the Population Register at the municipality or those we recently had their information adjusted. Until recently, you had to wait five years after changing your personal information before you could submit a request for naturalization. Based on […]

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International Women’s Day 2023

Today is International Women’s Day. To celebrate, Everaert Immigration Lawyers would like to reflect on the position of women with dependent residency rights. An important study on this topic was recently published by the Free University Amsterdam (VU). Most marriage migrants are women. Because they depend on their partner for their right of residence, their […]

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Perspective on permanent residence for ‘Chavez parents’

On September 7, 2022, the Court of Justice of the European Union (ECJ) answered some important preliminary questions regarding the Chavez residence document for non-European parents of minor Dutch children. What preceded this?In the Chavez Vilchez case (2017), the ECJ ruled that it is a violation of European law if a Dutch minor child is […]

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In Memoriam: Gertjan van Andel

It is with intense sadness that we announce the passing of Gertjan van Andel, former colleague and partner of our firm, on July 10, 2022.  Gertjan was born in 1943 in Oosterbeek. After his military service in the Royal Dutch Navy, he studied Law at the VU and subsequently worked for the Legal Aid Center […]

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