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Option and Naturalization Fees 2024

Application fees for Dutch citizenship requests, by naturalization or option, are revised annually. As of 1 January 2024, the IND charges the following amounts: Category Application fees in 2023 Application fees in 2022 Single option request € 217 € 206 Option request with partner € 370 € 351 Child < 18 joining option request € 24 € 23 Single naturalization request € 1.023 € 970 Naturalization […]

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Hague court recognizes name changes from abroad

If you are Dutch, then Dutch law governing names, applies. Even if you have another nationality besides the Dutch nationality. If you are not Dutch, then the law governing names of your nationality applies. In that case, the Dutch authorities must recognize any changes in names that have taken place outside the Netherlands. This does […]

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New salary thresholds 2024

Today, the new salary thresholds for highly skilled migrants, intra-company transfers, Blue Card holders, and recent graduates in the Netherlands were published. The following salary thresholds will apply per January 1st, 2024: The above presents the minimum gross salary per month, excluding 8% holiday allowance. All applications filed after 31 December 2023 will need to […]

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New law establishing statelessness and Dutch citizenship

On October 1, 2023, the Law on Determination of Statelessness entered into force. One of the reasons for this new law is criticism from the Advisory Commission on Aliens Affairs (ACVZ) on the Dutch approach to statelessness. Before this law entered into force, the Netherlands did not have a procedure in place to determine statelessness. […]

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Proposal for dual citizenship bill

On October 24, 2023, a draft legislative proposal amending the Dutch Citizenship Act (RWN) was published. The accompanying Explanatory Memorandum can be found here. An earlier version of this bill was released in 2016. The Advisory Division of the Council of State issued an advisory opinion in February 2017. In October 2023, the initiators came […]

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Non-Ukrainian third-country nationals with temporary right of residence retain temporary protection for now

There has been much discussion recently about the position of so-called “third-country nationals” with a temporary residence permit in Ukraine (further: third-country nationals). Some of them fled the war in Ukraine in early 2022 and were granted rights in the Netherlands based on a generous application of the Temporary Protection Directive (hereinafter: the directive).  The […]

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Publication in the Global Legal Group’s International Comparative Legal Guide

Everaert Advocaten is proud to announce that Marcel Reurs and Muhyadin Mohamud have authored the chapter on corporate immigration laws and regulations in the Netherlands for the latest edition of the Global Legal Group’s International Comparative Legal Guide. For practical insights into corporate immigration law in the Netherlands, please feel invited to read their chapter which can be accessed […]

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