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5 September – Day of Dutch nationals residing abroad

More than 1 million Dutch people have emigrated and are currently residing abroad.

Last Thursday, the Foundation Dutch Nationals Abroad (Stichting Nederlanders Buiten Nederland) declared September 5th to be the “Day of the Dutch residing abroad”. Through this initiative, the foundation wishes to pay special attention to these Dutch citizens not living in the Netherlands. Furthermore, they would like to highlight the limitations experienced by Dutch people living abroad. They are for example faced with voting restrictions and limitations regarding dual citizenship.

In our practice, we often have clients who are confronted with the consequences of these limitations and restrictions. They have issues obtaining dual citizenship and keeping their Dutch passport. Or clients have lost their Dutch citizenship after moving abroad for an extensive period of time. Therefore, we wholeheartedly support this initiative of SNBN.

Do you live abroad and have questions about losing your Dutch citizenship or the possibilities of retaining your Dutch nationality alongside another nationality? If so, please contact us. We would be happy to review your case with you.

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