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Civic integration diploma also required for stronger residence rights of Turkish citizens starting 2025

In early 2020, the Dutch government announced that, with the implementation of the Civic Integration Act 2021, the obligation for civic integration would be reinstated for Turkish newcomers starting January 1, 2022. It was also announced that Turkish nationals seeking stronger residence rights, such as a permanent residence permit, would eventually need to successfully complete the civic integration process in the Netherlands (the civic integration requirement).

Transitional period

Until 2025, there is a transition period for Turkish citizens who want to apply for a stronger residence permit. But from 1 January 2025, this group will also need a civic integration diploma to for example obtain a permanent residence permit.

In principle, this applies for a permanent residence permit, an EU long term residence permit and also a residence permit on non-temporary humanitarian grounds after stay as a family member. Only Turkish citizens who fall under the standstill clause of the Association Agreement between the EU and Turkey will continue to be exempted from the integration requirement for a residence permit on non-temporary humanitarian grounds after holding residence as a family member, also after 1 January 2025. These are, for example, Turkish citizens who are employed in the Netherlands or their family members.

Applications before 1 January 2025

Turkish permit holders who apply for a stronger residence permit before 1 January 2025 still fall under the transition period. They do not need to provide a civic integration diploma. However, the applicant must demonstrate that all other conditions of the desired residence permit are met before January 1st.

If you have questions about the reintroduction of the civic integration requirement or if you need assistance in obtaining a stronger residence permit, feel free to contact us. We are happy to help.

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