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Hermie de Voer

Hermie de Voer

attorney-at-law, partner

+31 (0)20 752 32 22

Hermie is specialized in Dutch citizenship law. She advises clients internationally on the specifics of Dutch nationality and citizenship. This concerns acquiring Dutch citizenship by naturalization, option or law as well as loss of Dutch citizenship and how to obtain dual citizenship. She is an experienced litigator in this area. In addition she advises entrepreneurs, SME’s and private clients on business and family migration as well as residency for former Dutch citizens and their families and continued and permanent residency.

Hermie is a speaker at international conferences about citizenship law. The media and politicians frequently ask her opinion on developments and legislative proposals in her area of expertise. She also writes for popular and professional journals. She was co-initiator of the Dutch legislative proposal for children born before 1985 of Dutch mothers and foreign fathers, which on 1 October 2010 resulted in an option right for latent Dutch citizens.

Hermie studied European Studies at the University of Amsterdam and Law at the Free University in Amsterdam.


For a list of publications in Dutch please refer to Hermie’s Dutch profile page.

Netherlands Bar registration

Hermie de Voer has registered the following principal legal practice areas in the Netherlands Bar’s register of legal practice areas (rechtsgebiedenregister):

  • Immigration law

Based on this registration, she is required to obtain ten training credits per calendar year in each registered principal legal practice area in accordance with the standards set by the Netherlands Bar.

Memberships and ancillary positions

WRV – Werkgroep Rechtsbijstand in Vreemdelingenzaken
IBA – International Bar Association
SVMA – Specialist Association of Migration Lawyers
ABA – American Bar Association
UIA – International Association of Lawyers