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Call for former Dutch citizens

Have you lost your Dutch nationality because you have dual citizenship and lived outside of the Netherlands and the EU for more than ten uninterrupted years without a Dutch passport? You might be able to regain your Dutch nationality.

On 12 February 2020, the Council of State issued a ruling on the automatic loss of Dutch citizenship due to the so-called ten-year period. In this blog you will find more information about this ruling.

The Council of State determined that, if the consequences of the loss of nationality are disproportionate from an EU law perspective, former Dutch citizens should be able to regain their Dutch nationality with retroactive effect.

You may be able to regain the Dutch nationality if you can prove with objective documents that at the time of losing Dutch citizenship, you or your children:

  • could not accept a concrete job offer in the Netherlands or in another European Member State;
  • experienced problems exercising your profession;
  • could not enroll (or stay enrolled) in a study program at a university in the Netherlands or in another European member state;
  • experienced obstacles in maintaining and perpetuating your family life in the Netherlands or Europe;
  • encountered obstacles when using or maintaining your possessions, real estate in the Netherlands or in another European Member State.

Without documentary evidence it is not possible to recover Dutch citizenship. Please contact us about your possibilities to regain Dutch citizenship.

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