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Double surnames allowed per 1 January 2024

This week the Dutch government passed a new law that states that, from January 1, 2024, children born in the Netherlands will be able to be registered with the surnames of both their parents. 

Previously this was possible under certain conditions, especially in respect of children with another EU nationality. During a period of transition, children born on or after January 1st 2016 will also be able to choose a combination of both their parents’ names. This will be possible when the parents choose the double surname within the transition period and the firstborn in the family was born on or after January 1, 2016.

For adopted children it will be possible to choose a combination of their name at birth and the name of one of their adoptive parents with a maximum of two surnames. A combination of surnames had been possible previously under certain conditions. For example, for children who have another EU nationality besides their Dutch nationality. 

A choice of law is introduced in some situations also in respect of Dutch children who have more than one nationality. Nonetheless the legislative reform will not address all problems in international situations, for example in respect of adults born in the Netherlands who also hold another (EU) nationality.

For more information, please contact Vera Kidjan and Richard Blauwhoff.

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